Being emotionally Agile versus emotionally Fragile!
Let’s get started with a short quiz today!
- Are you reluctant to take care of yourself?
- Do you treat others better than yourself?
- Are you reluctant to be seen or heard?
- Do you value others’ opinions over your own?
- Are you reluctant to taking on challenges for fear of failing?
- Do you have fear of disapproval?
- Are you being highly critical of yourself?
- Do you feel worthy of receiving compliments or gifts or anything good for that matter?
Being emotionally Agile versus emotionally Fragile!
Step One: Select your specific tapping topic
Step Two: Rate your intensity on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest)
Step Three: Where do you feel this intensity in your body?
Step Four: Start tapping on the Karate Chop
‘Even though I have this habit of over-doing, over-giving and over-accommodating, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, anyway’
‘Even though I am afraid I am not good enough and I need to compensate for some invisible, undefinable flaws, I welcome more self-confidence and self-acceptance’
‘Even though I feel so dissatisfied because I am ignoring my own needs, I am open and willing to listen to my inner voice of love and self-care’
Step Five: Tap through all the Tapping Points:
- No matter how hard I try
- I cannot make others appreciate me
- in the way that I need it
- It is so frustrating
- I do so my best
- I am careful
- I walk on egg shells
- I over-give
- and deplete myself
- I over-do
- and get exhausted in the process
- I put their needs
- before my own
- and then I become angry
- and resentful
- I would do almost anything
- to prove that I am good enough
- and nobody really cares
- because they all care
- primarily about themselves
- I am the one
- who is having this
- big battle inside of me
- I am scared and nervous
- I know in my heart
- that my happiness
- should not depend
- on their approval because
- I cannot make them change
- I have tried
- and I did not work
- but I cannot let it go
- I worry what they
- think about me
- I work so hard
- to extract approval from them
- and it is also exhausting
- to keep their approval coming
- I cannot control how they feel about me
- I have given my power away
- and allowed others to
- negatively influence my emotions
- and my daily experience
- And I love and forgive myself for this
- Because I know in my heart
- when I attempt to shore up their weakness
- with my strength
- it never works
- I have this need
- this invisible
- undefinable need
- to prove to everyone
- that I am good enough
- And they don’t seem to care all that much
- but I do care a lot
- because it makes me feel miserable
- and dissatisfied and stressed
- because I am ignoring my own precious needs:
- My healthy need to feel confident
- My healthy need to feel good enough
- My healthy need to feel satisfied
- My healthy need for self-acceptance
- Accepting my own inner voice
- And knowing it comes from love
- I want to relax
- and enjoy the unfolding of
- all the feelings of well-being
- and value and honour myself
- and feel appreciation for what is
- and eagerness for what is coming!
Watch your inbox for the next tapping script on the first Sunday of November!
How did this tapping script benefit you?
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Wishing you a beautiful day!
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