Let there be Peace on Earth!
Welcome to the energy of kindness, peace and harmony!
This is my wish for you today:
As you go out into this world today
call the kindest people to you
call the most nurturing conversations to you
call the healthiest relationships to you
call the best ideas to you
call the best of everything to you!
When we start our day in a place that feels the best, we will attract everything that feels the best.
Doing the very best from where we are right now is enough!
Let there be Peace on Earth and in my Heart!
Step One: Select your specific tapping topic
Step Two: Rate your intensity on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest)
Step Three: Where do you feel this intensity in your body?
Step Four: Start tapping on the Karate Chop
‘Even though I have these doubts and fears about experiencing peace and harmony on this earth, I accept that I have a loving hearth and deserve to live in harmony’
‘Even though I don’t feel confident to attract and keep loving relationships that nurtures my heart and soul, I love and accept myself first’
‘Even though the feeling of being truly loved is unfamiliar to me, I choose to learn how to love myself and others’
Step Five: Tap through all the Tapping Points:
- I have all these doubts and fears
- about our world
- It is difficult to feel peaceful
- It is difficult to feel hopeful
- I would love to feel harmonious
- but I have all these doubts
- that I can make a real difference
- I wonder how it would feel
- if I would be more confident
- if I would feel more certain
- and secure about myself
- I wonder what difference
- it would make in my ability
- to be a beacon of Light for others?
- I want to focus on who I am
- and move away from who
- I don’t want to be
- I want to feel good enough
- I want to feel more than good enough
- I want to feel peaceful inside
- and create emotional space
- to understand others
- and be compassionate
- I want to focus on what
- makes me move towards love
- instead of emphasizing conflict
- I choose to move forward with
- greater and greater confidence
- Right now I want to develop
- a much higher level of self-love
- so it will be easier to love others
- I want to increase
- my sense of self-worth
- so I can give more love
- and understanding to other people
- who have different opinions than I have
- I am open to have more clarity of vision
- and feel empathy for people who are hurting
- When it becomes easier to appreciate myself
- It will be easier to appreciate others
- I love knowing that self-acceptance
- opens the door to accepting others
- I believe in myself
- I want to speak words of encouragement
- Let my words be beautiful
- I want to inspire others by reminding them
- that the most important words
- they will ever hear
- are the words they say to themselves
- As I tap and breathe
- I am open to experience more confidence
- I ask for the strength to be kind
- and supportive to everyone around me
- I am using my intuition to bring high-vibrational words
- of love and harmony and peace
- to people who need it
- so they may feel more hopeful
- Every day I am becoming
- stronger and more confident
- with being an inspiration in this world
- The essence of me is
- self-assured, self-trusting and self-confident
- I interact with others easily
- People listen to me
- People respond to me positively
- I feel appreciated
- It is becoming easier for me
- to make better decisions
- when I come from a place of love
- and peace and harmony
- I am still somewhat hesitant
- to be a loving messenger of hope
- because this is unfamiliar to me.
- What if they reject me?
- I can give love
- but what if they don’t accept it?
- I want to remind myself that
- I am a loving person,
- I am a kind person
- I am a caring person
- I want to feel joy
- My life has meaning
- when I help others to feel better
- I want to remember this.
- Now and always!
Watch your inbox for the next tapping script on the first Sunday of December!
How did this tapping script benefit you?
Feel free to inspire us or email me at jeanine@EFTforlife.com
Wishing you a beautiful day!
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