by Jeanine Crombé | Sep 28, 2021 | Blog, Tapping scripts
There are numerous ways to relieve physical body pain with EFT. Oftentimes, underlying unresolved emotional drivers are causing chronic pain in the body. This could be anything: past trauma, anger, grief, sadness and a myriad of other issues. Today, our tapping script...
by Jeanine Crombé | Aug 30, 2021 | Blog, Tapping scripts
It is a pleasure to work with a rich variety of wonderful clients from 24 different countries. In client sessions, I tap with five generations ages 13 to 76: The Builders, Baby-Boomers, Generation X, Millennials/GenY and Generation Z What do they have in common? They...
by Jeanine Crombe | Jul 28, 2021 | Blog, Tapping scripts
As a (grand)parent, how often have you wished that you could make your (grand)child’s sadness, upsets and fears just disappear, especially in today’s world? Is your child restless when going to sleep, or being teased or bullied in...
by Jeanine Crombé | Jul 4, 2021 | Blog, Tapping scripts
Today I would like to welcome you to our EFT Summer Edition with a beautiful Ancient Proverb: When there is Light in the Soul, there will be beauty in the person When there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house When there is harmony...
by Jeanine Crombe | Jun 4, 2021 | Blog, Tapping scripts
As a woman, our capacity to give depends on our capacity to receive. The more we give ourselves the gift of a good night sleep, the easier it is to support, nurture and enhance the lives of our loved ones. Sleep is true self-care. Balancing and optimizing our mental...
by Jeanine Crombe | May 1, 2021 | Blog, Tapping scripts
Celebrating Mother’s Day! Let’s make this entire month a month for celebratingthe Mothers of this World For being the carriers of life, for nurturing lifefor being the fierce protectors of life How do you nurture yourself? Others? There is beauty in...