I love the energy of simplicity.
Less is more
Clutter on our digital devices shows us who we used to be.
Our devices are tools, not storage cabinets.
- Are you eager to clear the digital clutter?
- Is feeling more relaxed, free and focused important to you?
- Do you value simplicity and efficiency?
then this script is for you!
Or, if your digital home is already nicely in order, feel free to modify the script for your physical home 🙂

Celebrating 22 years of helping my wonderful clients to ‘have it all’, whatever ‘it’ means for them specifically:
* a healthy ageless body with an abundance of energy
* happy relationships
* peace of mind and serenity
* unshakeable confidence
* having always as much money as they are able to spend
* being satisfied with their body image
* loving life and enjoying every moment
and… feeling strong, courageous and resilient in the process!

Spring cleaning my digital home!
Step Two: Rate your intensity on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest)
Step Three: Where do you feel this intensity in your body?
Step Four: Start Tapping on the Karate Chop Point:
‘Even though I feel so overwhelmed when I look at all the clutter on this device, I deeply and completely accept myself’
‘Even though I have all this self-criticism, other people seem to get it all perfect and I don’t, I accept who am and how I feel’
‘Even though I can’t relax when I look at all this digital mess and disorder, I feel so much anxiety in my body, I am a good person and I do my best’
Step Five: Tap through all the Tapping Points:
- I feel so judgmental
- I am judging myself
- I feel very critical
- Critical towards myself
- When I look at this cluttered space
- I know it does not get messy all by itself
- The person who uses it
- makes it messy
- Just like my mother used to say
- A messy place equals
- a messy mind
- I always hated it
- when she told me that
- This mess distracts me
- from my primary focus
- It is so annoying
- I feel so overwhelmed
- and what is even worse
- when/if I clean up
- a clutter-free organized place
- feels so unfamiliar to me
- Then I get all this anxiety
- and don’t know what to do with myself
- because when my place is organized and clean
- then what…?
- Then I have no excuse anymore to start
- focusing on my big dreams and desires
- I am terrified
- I would find out
- that I would fail
- and not have what it takes
- to make my dreams come true
- However, today I want to start
- with one important step:
- When touching each item on this device
- I will decide
- if I want to keep it or not
- because I only want to keep
- what gives me joy
- and discard all the rest
- I only want to keep items
- because I love them
- not ‘just because’
- I want to organize my space
- for whom I am becoming now
- not for the person
- I was in the past
- From this day forward
- I am so determined
- to become very successful
- in decluttering up my digital space
- Every morning I am going to do
- what really success people do:
- Doing the one task that
- I don’t want to do
- and do it first
- First thing in the morning
- I will keep my d-space clean
- I will do the one thing
- that I don’t want to do
- and I do it first
- This one action in the morning
- will make me feel like a winner
- I want to adopt this habit
- of what I least want to do, first
- And I want to do this easily
- rapidly and successfully
- I am not going to wait
- until I get motivated
- I am just going to start
- and motivation will come
- as I am doing it
- Successful people do
- what they don’t want to do first
- and it makes them a success
- I replace any negative habit like
- procrastinating or complaining
- with a positive habit
- Every day I override and tap away
- my old habit of leaving places messy
- and replace it
- with a new shiny habit
- of having a wonderful
- orderly inviting space
- I tap this new habit into my body
- I imprint it in my memory
- I imprint it into my words by saying:
- I don’t want to clean this up
- so I am going to do it first, in fact
- I am doing it right now
- because I am choosing success
- and therefore, I am choosing to do this first
- I am becoming a phenomenal role model
- for my family, my colleagues, my friends, my kids
- I show them how easy it is
- to do what I least want to do first
- I am telling myself:
- I am choosing this
- and I am choosing to feel good about it
- I do this as a matter of pride
- because it is the right thing to do
- Being disciplined about cleaning up
- feels good even if
- I don’t want to do it
- It makes me feel proud of myself
- It makes me feel like a winner
- I am a winner
- I enjoy the feeling
- of doing what I don’t want to do, first
- because I am developing
- the discipline and the commitment
- and the new behavior
- of using effectively organized devices
- The free flow of energy
- feels so good in my digital home
- The freshness
- the positive energizing breeze
- It feels so good
- I want to make
- this success habit my own
- I am ready
- I feel so much better about myself
- I feel better about myself every day
- because I am taking on this habit
- of what I least want to do first
- Keeping my digital space organized
- I am choosing this
- I am committed to this
- And the more I do it
- the better I feel
- I like my new habit of being disciplined
- I can feel the stress leaving my body
- because I am keeping
- my promise to myself every day
- This winning habit of action
- is really healthy for me
- I am ready
- willing, able and motivated
- to do what I least want to do first
- I like this new imprint
- and it is becoming a part of my daily behavior
- It is right for me
- It brings me so many benefits
- and that makes me feel good
- It makes me feel wonderful
- I am delighted by my natural enthusiasm
- I feel now so much better
- I enjoy my downtime
- because I know now that I earned it
- I deserve my free time
- and I can savor it guilt-free
- because I have done what
- I didn’t want to do first
- I delayed gratification
- and now I can enjoy it so much more
- I can enjoy it fully
- because I know I earned it
- People notice that I have more confidence
- People see how efficient I am
- how capable I am
- how productive I am
- People notice how focused I am
- I get recognition
- I get praise
- I get great feedback
- I notice every day
- how much better I feel
- I feel every day
- the most wonderful feeling
- of accomplishment
- of achievement and inner satisfaction
- Every day I feel proud of myself
- I feel extraordinary
- I have absolute confidence in my ability
- I enjoy that I am developing
- this winning attitude
- of doing my least favorite task first
- I am growing in self-confidence
- Every day I am growing in self-esteem
- I feel liberated
- I feel wonderful
- I feel free
- And I very much like that!
Watch your inbox on the first Sunday of April for your new tapping script!
How did this tapping script benefit you?
Feel free to inspire us or email me at jeanine@EFTforlife.com
Wishing you a beautiful day!
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