Personalized Private Program

MELT AWAY STRESS – this EFT Program is for you if…

you are ready to create a strong emotional immune system so you don’t catch other people’s negativity and stress anymore

you want to free yourself from the approval of others because they all desire different things for you, anyway

you feel ready to release all your worries, fears and anxieties and relax into your natural well-being

We have beautiful Gift Certificates for Father’s Day!

A gift of love for a special man in your life…

Email me at to reserve yours


Live well. Do well. Be Well – Relax and energize your mind with positive words and pictures!

Did you know our minds only respond to two things?

Our mind responds to the pictures we make in our heads and the words we say to ourselves.

Now, I would like you to think about the issue that you’re having the most difficulty with—be it your job or your relationship or health or your children. And now notice in particular the words and pictures you put in your mind about that issue.

Step one: Select your specific tapping topic

Step two: Rate your intensity on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest)

Step Three: Where do you feel this intensity in your body?

Step Four: Start tapping on the Karate Chop:

‘Even though I am telling myself this scary story about this topic, I deeply and completely accept myself’

‘Even though it is so hard to change my mind about this because there is so much evidence in my life about what I don’t want, I choose to start speaking in a kind and loving way to myself’

‘Even though it is not familiar to create empowering pictures in my mind, I choose now to make this familiar and empower myself with confident images and re-train my mind’

Step Five: Tap through all the Tapping Points:

  • This particular story in my head
  • It is so hard for me
  • to change it
  • because this issue
  • carries so much momentum
  • and by now
  • I see evidence of this truth
  • all around me
  • It has become my truth
  • I have been taught
  • throughout my life
  • to face reality
  • instead of create reality
  • It feels so overwhelming
  • To change this story
  • I am afraid
  • I am worried
  • I am convinced
  • it will be hard work
  • to change my current reality
  • into a new and empowering one
  • that would truly satisfy me
  • If I would say
  • good things about this topic
  • it would not feel ‘real’
  • My old story feels ‘more real’
  • There is such a big conflict
  • inside of me
  • I have this inner battle going on
  • On one hand I really really want
  • to change this
  • and on the other hand
  • I am afraid to change
  • and I don’t know how to do this
  • I need help
  • I need support
  • I cannot do it alone
  • or all by myself anymore
  • I am tired
  • and somewhat discouraged
  • However, I have this big desire
  • in my heart to experience
  • a really good life
  • And I know
  • if I keep on doing
  • what I have always done
  • I will keep on getting
  • what I have always gotten
  • So therefore, I am going
  • to give myself a fair chance
  • and do my very best
  • I really want to feel happy
  • I want to feel healthy
  • I want to feel free
  • I want loving relationships
  • I want to feel successful
  • I want to matter
  • and feel that my presence
  • on this planet makes a difference
  • that my love makes a difference
  • I have this deep yearning for
  • more meaning
  • more satisfaction
  • I am born for more
  • I know this in my heart
  • and I am ready now
  • I am going to require more of me
  • I don’t want to tolerate
  • the scary words in my mind anymore
  • I want to say better words to myself
  • More loving words
  • More nurturing words
  • Words that protect my heart
  • Words that protect my self-esteem
  • Words that protect my self-confidence
  • I desire to feel safe and
  • experience protective love
  • I deserve to have my dreams protected
  • I deserve to have
  • my heart’s desires protected
  • I deserve to have
  • my health protected
  • I deserve to have
  • my time protected
  • I deserve to have
  • My sleep protected
  • I deserve to have
  • my safety protected
  • I desire to hear loving words
  • Words that nurture my heart and soul
  • because I am loveable
  • I deserve love
  • and I am going to start
  • with speaking loving words to myself
  • especially about this specific issue
  • that I am tapping for right now
  • I am going to change the pictures in my mind
  • allowing myself to be inspired
  • with loving pictures that serve me
  • Pictures that make me feel good
  • because I want to
  • Live well
  • Feel well
  • and do very well in life
  • and this is true for me!

Watch your inbox for the next ‘Tapping on Tuesdays’ edition on the first Tuesday of July!

Wishing you a beautiful day!
