It is my wish for you that at the end of 2021, you are a fully-rested ‘sleeping beauty’ filled with grace, patience and optimism. These are natural benefits for us to enjoy after a good night of sleep.
Our body is our dedicated loyal servant which carries us through life, and has an innate intelligence that gives us life.
We activate this intelligence through a restful rejuvenating sleep.
In a way, sleeping makes us smarter:)

A Good night sleep is a gift to yourself and others!
Step two: Rate your intensity on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest)
Step Three: Where do you feel this intensity in your body?
Step Four: Start tapping on the Karate Chop
‘Even though I am convinced I will have a horrible sleep again, I accept who I am and how I feel’
‘Even though I would like to have a relaxing sleep, and I am sure this is not possible, I am open and willing to change my attitude today’
‘Even though I feel so tired and exhausted and I am fighting with myself and I feel anxious, I want to feel safe and have a relaxing sleep no matter what’
Step Five: Tap through all the Tapping Points:
- I expect to have a bad sleep
- I am in the habit of having bad sleep
- I feel so exhausted
- I feel anxious
- I feel really and deeply tired
- My body doesn’t feel safe
- My tiredness makes me feel depressed
- I would like to let go and
- Feel safe to rest and let go however
- my body is in a fight/flight mode
- my body doesn’t remember anything else anymore
- My body is in this habit
- and I feel victimized by my body
- victimized by my racing thoughts
- It is the fault of everyone else
- They are doing it to me
- I blame them for stealing my inner peace
- I am so angry at them
- and I cannot calm down my adrenals
- there is an emotional storm raging inside of me
- I feel hopeless and disappointed
- I feel as if I have to sacrifice myself
- Day and night
- And I never get a break
- My body is on alert day and night
- My body doesn’t feel safe to go to sleep
- I have suffered for years
- I have sacrificed myself for years
- and I feel deep resentment because of that
- and while this is all true
- I am open and willing to experience a change
- A change in my sleeping pattern
- I want to have a peaceful sleep
- So I feel rested and relaxed
- I want to breathe deeply
- Relax my muscles
- and tell my body
- It is time to rest
- It is time to calm down
- and relax deeply
- in every part of my body
- Relax my muscles
- I want to love myself enough
- to have a restful sleep
- I deserve goodness
- Sleep is my most important
- self-care activity
- I know this of course
- but now I want to honor this
- it is time to
- Honor myself
- Honor my health
- I deserve a good life
- No matter what is going on
- in the outside world
- I don’t want to hang around
- with negative people anymore
- because they have a problem
- for every solution
- I don’t want to bring the energy
- of crazy people in my bedroom
- My bedroom is private
- and I respect myself enough
- to keep it a private space
- I tell my body
- that I am in charge
- From this day forward
- I am going to be in control
- of my body and thoughts and feelings
- My body is in the habit of waking me up in the night
- And I am going to re-educate my body
- It is my responsibility to clear this old programming
- this subconscious programming in my body
- and I am ready for this, watch me!
- I want to install good healthy habits
- on a cellular level
- because I deserve to feel good
- I deserve to feel safe
- I am ready to let go of unwanted emotions
- before I go to sleep
- I am setting clear boundaries
- and am very mindful
- to take only peaceful thoughts
- into my beautiful bedroom
- My bedroom is my sanctuary
- I want to love and respect my body
- and love and respect my bedroom
- I will clear all the old habits and old energy
- that is in my bedroom
- Clear it with beautiful light and love
- so I can start with a new clean energy tonight
- I will be gentle with myself
- speak softly
- and be kind to myself
- so I can feel safe inside
- feel safe with my own self talk
- And when I awaken tomorrow morning
- I will feel refreshed
- My resistance will have subsided overnight
- I will step into my new day refreshed
- and replenished and eager
- I like things working out for me
- I like the universe on my side
- I like being uplifted
- I like words that feel good
- Words that light me up
- I like to be well
- Be clear
- Be vital
- Laugh and have more fun
- I will have all those great feelings more often
- because of my good night of sleep
- I love knowing that all this positive change
- is possible for me one step at the time.
- I look forward to a relaxing sleep
- Peaceful dreams
- Warmth and closeness with my husband/wife/….
- and I allow myself to feel safe and secure
- and be very well taken care of
- I very much deserve all of this
- And that is the honest truth!
Wishing you a beautiful day!
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