Imagine receiving high-quality attention from me for one full day in a refreshing and beautiful environment?

What would that feel like for you?

An entire day away from all distractions…
Relaxing, feeling uplifted and inspired by beauty while healing with ease and grace

Would this be something for you?
One day focusing on you, exclusively?

If this is something that makes your heart sing, then I would love to invite you for a special day with me in Paris!

Dare to Live Authentically in a Feminine and Sensual Way!

Be a VIP for the day and be inspired by lights and beauty

Diving deep and creating lasting transformation…

I love the breakthroughs my clients are experiencing after one full day with me!

Imagine spending high-quality concentrated time together and being focused only on you! Imagine what we could accomplish?

How would your health, happiness and wellbeing improve?

Imagine being free…
free from your burdens
free from your pains
free from worries

What if we could turn around your biggest emotional pain in one full day? What would that mean to you?

It is possible with EFT to transform our biggest challenges in one full day and get a clear fresh perspective on things and feel more hopeful, encouraged and pre-pave the way for a promising future with more health, happiness and freedom!

Enjoy ‘having it all’, whatever ‘it’ means for you personally

Unshakable Confidence
A Healthy Body
Emotional Freedom
Overall Well-Being
Happy Relationships
Inner Peace of Mind
Abundant Resources
Loving Life
Enjoying every Moment

and… Feeling strong, courageous and resilient in the process!

When: Our best day in December
Time: One Day
Where: Paris
How to reserve your day: by sending an email to

Your VIP Day Package includes:
·       One day of working with me in Paris, France
·       One Planning Session via  ZOOM  (one week prior to our VIP Day) to clarify our intentions for our work together
·       Delicious lunch
·       Your favorite refreshments throughout the day
·       Follow-up Session one week after our VIP day so you feel supported and receive help with all your questions you may have

If you feel this would be something for you, then I look forward to seeing you in Paris!


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