In Search of a New Job! – Tapping Script

‘Martha’ has recently given notice at her job. For the first time in her life she has taken the initiative to leave an unfulfilling job.

Her intention was to have time to seek out something that would bring her joy and fulfillment. Instead,
she is worried, has hidden doubts, and feels guilty  that the new job may not show up,

It is my wish that you may borrow many benefits while tapping along!

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Start Tapping on the Karate Chop:

  • ‘Even though I have given up my job and now I am really scared whether I did the right thing, I deeply and profoundly accept myself and all of my fears’
  • ‘Even though I doubt if I made the right decision because I have all these worries, I feel so stressed about it, I accept who I am and all of these intense emotions’
  • ‘Even though I am so afraid that the new job will not show up, I choose to do my very best by taking inspired action’

Tap through all the points:

  • My old job felt heavy
  • I felt so anxious
  • I did not want to do this job anymore
  • I feel so scared
  • I took a big risk
  • I left my job
  • Without having a new one
  • Now I am doubting
  • Was it the right thing to do?
  • Was I courageous or just stupid?
  • I underestimated my emotional reaction
  • I did not expect this
  • Now I am so stressed
  • I feel guilty
  • I started with all these wonderful intentions
  • To figure out with ease
  • what would really fulfill me
  • And guess what?
  • It turned out differently
  • I feel panicked instead
  • I feel heavy and anxious
  • for not having a job
  • I lost my security
  • I don’t feel safe
  • What am I going to do?
  • So scary
  • I focus on what I do not want
  • And I love and forgive myself for that
  • It is so hard to focus on what I do want
  • I am too scared and anxious for that
  • I feel out of control
  • And I had all these good intentions
  • I feel so disappointed
  • I had no idea that all these fears
  • were hidden deep inside of my body
  • All these worries
  • All these hidden doubts
  • All this guilt
  • This anxiety
  • All this heaviness inside of me
  • It is so overwhelming
  • What if my new job is not showing up?
  • I panic sometimes
  • I have this desire to live in the present moment
  • But all these negative emotions
  • are pulling me into the past
  • I did not expect this to happen
  • when I decided to quit my job
  • What will other people think of me?
  • What will they say about me?
  • I am so worried
  • I bet they will not approve of me
  • I even don’t approve of me
  • People will judge me
  • Just like I judge myself
  • And I want to me liked
  • I want to be understood
  • Nobody really understands me anyways
  • I feel so alone
  • And it is so scary
  • I so want to change this
  • I so want to connect again with my initial vision

 Tap a Positive Round while tapping through all the points:

  • I am so ready to say ‘yes’ to myself
  • Activate all my strength and courage
  • I am so ready to let go of this fear
  • Let go of this panic
  • I want to make space in my body
  • for positive emotions
  • I want to reconnect with my inner power
  • My initial enthusiasm
  • why I quit my job in the first place
  • I know I can do this
  • I am a smart woman
  • I am ready to take inspired action
  • Every day
  • I know I have what it takes
  • I have proof of this
  • because I changed already
  • so many old beliefs in the last years
  • And it felt great
  • I am ready to move forward peacefully
  • with ease and grace
  • I am eager and ready
  • to take inspired action
  • I ask for guidance
  • I ask for inspiration
  • Moving towards a joyful life
  • A peaceful life
  • Creating a fulfilling job
  • Where I feel content
  • I am ready to make progress
  • In a big way
  • In my unique way
  • And release all this remaining
  • vibrational resistance
  • So I can shine
  • And be fully my beautiful self!

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