What is EFT?
EFT is a rapid growing personal improvement technique that utilizes new discoveries regarding the body’s subtle energies.
Done properly, there is a high likelihood that you will be permanently free of the bothersome memories you choose to work on.
As you will see this is a ground breaking technique. There is nothing like it, anywhere.
The discovery behind EFT is that ‘the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption of the body’s energy system’, a sort of short circuit, a … ‘zzzzzt’… in the system, if you will. Just like a short circuit in a television set creates static, in the same way, a disruption of the proper energy flow of the body’s energy system results in emotional distress, the body’s version of a short circuit.
In simple terms, EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture, except we don’t use needles. Instead, we stimulate important release points by tapping on them with our fingertips.
This serves to balance an otherwise disrupted energy flow, and properly done, the results are consistent and often dramatic.
What is Energy Therapy?
Energy Therapy refers to a new class of techniques used as a therapeutic treatment modality for a variety of emotional and physiological ailments.
Energy Therapy techniques produce change by gaining access to the energy system of the body through the complex network of meridians or channels that move our life force or Qi through our bodies.
The system of meridians, accessed in Energy Therapy, was mapped out by the Chinese over four thousand years ago and is the basis of all acupuncture treatment.
Imbalances in our energy system can be cleared up and healed by stimulating points along these pathways, unblocking congestion and regulating the energy flow. Whether the impairment of the functioning of these meridians is caused by emotional or physiological stress, these circuits of energy must be realigned and returned to their natural balance for a person to experience healing.
What is the Secret behind EFT?
There really is no ‘secret’ but EFT exerts a profound effect on us because it makes use of a natural way of comforting and healing ourselves, that we have been using since birth… EFT turns it into something new and powerful.
Here is the general idea: We all use our hands to comfort ourselves… every day of our lives. EFT simply makes use of this inborn ability in a more systematic way. For example:
– Have you ever seen someone clap his hand to his forehead when distressed? He is giving himself comfort and support.
– Or, have you seen someone bring her hand quickly up to her face when she hears some shocking news? She is calming and steadying herself.
EFT uses this inborn way of comforting ourselves intentionally in an ingenious way. The tapping points used in EFT are particularly effective because they correspond ttraditional acupuncture points used in Chinese medicine that bring about a sense of calm and reduce pain.
Is EFT JUST Tapping?
No. While tapping, you are using words and phrases repeated out loud in a specific way.
What you say, while you are tapping, serves to get rid of any unwanted feelings you may have and to install positive thoughts and feelings in their place.
How long does it usually take to see results?
There is no hard and fast rule on this. Certain issues (like fear of public speaking) often fade away in a matter of minutes although, occasionally, there is a delayed reaction for a few hours.
It is my experience with more complex issues (like weight loss, money blocks), relief from the underlying major core issues could take days, weeks or months, so… be persistent. And be sure to consult with your physician and/or certified health care provider.
How will I know if this technique is working for me?
ou will know if the technique is working for you specifically, when you feel different today about the issues you are dealing with than before you started EFT. What I mean by this is, if the emotional pain, emotional sting, or emotional charge about the issue is lessening or disappearing, it means you are making progress with the issue.
It doesn’t make you forget the issues, but EFT allows you to think and feel about an issue differently, without feeling the emotional intensity or pain you felt in the past. You are gradually more able to ‘observe’ the issue, more like if you would be watching a movie, or gain a different perspective or have new insights about the issue.
In addition…
With big complex issues, it is also important to tap on each and every aspect to have complete peace of mind about an issue. As long as you don’t feel complete peace about an issue, this means that there are some aspects left to address with tapping.
The challenge is sometimes to find all the different aspects, because we all have, by nature, blind spots for ourselves (including me). If you think this would be the case for you, then you are welcome to book an individual session and then we can take a look at it together, and delve deeper into some of the issues and clear them.
How many sessions do I need to see results?
Working with the subconscious mind is a powerful process which usually produces noticeable results within a short time, sometimes immediately. People generally experience positive changes within the first session or two. Although some problems (phobias, for instance) may be alleviated in just one session, most issues are best dealt within a longer period of time.
Some people choose to continue with further sessions, dealing with more and more issues as the healing process unfolds.
Other people choose to speed up their process by installing positives and increase hereby the quality of their lives tremendously by experiencing more prosperity, joy, peace, higher level of performance, and contentment in their lives.
Are EFT's results due to either placebo effects or distraction?
No! Placebo effects require some belief in the process and this is rarely the case for newcomers to EFT.
Also, although EFT may appear to be distracting, it will not work if you are, in fact, distracted. That is why you continually repeat a reminder phrase which “tunes in” to the problem.
How long do the results last?
Emotional healings are almost always long lasting. This is particularly true if you follow the suggestions in the EFT Procedures and address the emotional events as specifically as possible.
If a given emotional problem does appear to “come back,” however, the experienced practitioner will look for three possible reasons:
– What has “come back” is simply a related issue (aspect) that wasn’t addressed in the first place.
– The original problem was addressed too globally and thus only partially neutralized.
– The cause of the problem is due to a sensitivity to something (an energy toxin) the client ate, drank, breathed or otherwise came in contact with.
Physical healings are often impressive and long lasting as well but are more likely to re-emerge than emotional issues. Often a physical ailment (headache, backache, stomach upset, etc.) acts as a physical manifestation of an emotional issue.
Experienced EFT’ers see consistent evidence of this. Thus what appears to “come back” is simply the same physical ailment reacting to a different emotional issue.
How long do the results last?
Emotional healings are almost always long lasting. This is particularly true if you follow the suggestions in the EFT Procedures and address the emotional events as specifically as possible.
If a given emotional problem does appear to “come back,” however, the experienced practitioner will look for three possible reasons:
– What has “come back” is simply a related issue (aspect) that wasn’t addressed in the first place.
– The original problem was addressed too globally and thus only partially neutralized.
– The cause of the problem is due to a sensitivity to something (an energy toxin) the client ate, drank, breathed or otherwise came in contact with.
Physical healings are often impressive and long lasting as well but are more likely to re-emerge than emotional issues. Often a physical ailment (headache, backache, stomach upset, etc.) acts as a physical manifestation of an emotional issue.
Experienced EFT’ers see consistent evidence of this. Thus what appears to “come back” is simply the same physical ailment reacting to a different emotional issue.
EFT Terms and Definitions you Need to Know
1. What is a SUD’s rating?
SUD stand for Subjective Units of Distress, which is just a fancy way of describing a rating system for measuring your level of discomfort or emotional pain.
EFT Practitioners use a 0 to 10 point scale. For example, I will ask a client who has decided to quit smoking to rate their current craving for a cigarette on this 10 point scale to get an initial reading before treatment. This, of course, allows me to compare it with a post-treatment rating after one or two rounds of tapping.
2. What is the Setup?
The Setup is performed to line up your energy system so it will be as receptive as possible to the treatment.
The Setup is used to correct Psychological Reversal and is carried out as follows: tap the Karate Chop Point while repeating an Affirmation Statement three times.
3. What is Psychological Reversal?
The term for this condition was coined by Dr. Roger Callahan.
It refers to a reversal of the polarity in the energy system so pervasive that no treatment will be effective until this condition is corrected. Psychological Reversal can be caused by either internal or external factors.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Callahan for this discovery of how to correct Psychological Reversal.
4. What is an Affirmation Statement?
This statement encompasses both the identified problem and an affirming, accepting acknowledgment of yourself. For example: ‘Even though I have this anxiety when I crave a chocolate, I deeply and completely accept myself.’
5. What is a Reminder Phrase?
The Reminder Phrase encapsulates the original identified problem.
In the example of: ‘Even though I have this anxiety when I crave a chocolate, I deeply and completely accept myself’, the Reminder Phrase would be ‘the anxiety when I crave a chocolate.’
It was designed to keep you focused on the problem, or tuned in to the energy of the issue so the treatment will be aimed at the right target.
6. What are Aspects?
Aspects represent different layers of an identified problem, or co-existing feelings about the same issue.
For example, for someone who suffers from a phobia of riding elevators, separate Aspects might be fears related to entering an elevator, a crowded elevator, an elevator stopping between floors, the noises an elevator makes, and claustrophobic feelings while in a small enclosed space.
Generally, for EFT to be effective, practitioners will need to differentiate between, and then address, all the different Aspects of the presenting problem.
Sometimes a client will say the treatment ‘didn’t work’ when, in fact, recurring distress is due to the emergence of a new Aspect that escaped attention and necessary treatment.
7. What are the Treatment Points?
The treatment points are designated endpoints of the channels, or meridians, of the body’s energy system.
Many people feel anxious how to tap. The rule of thumb is to tap hard enough to feel a slight bounce, but not hard enough to create any discomfort. Clients get a feel for what amount of pressure works for them.
Gary Craig original treatment procedure recommends 7 to 10 taps per point. Some people move swiftly through the line-up while others linger longer at each point.
Does EFT work on ______ ?
People often come up to me and ask: Does EFT work on _______ ?
Like for example:
– Does EFT work on Headaches and Migraines?
– Does EFT work on Back Problems?
– Does EFT work on Insomnia?
– Does EFT work on Breathing Difficulties?
– Does EFT work on High blood pressure?
– Does EFT work on Fear of spiders?
– Does EFT work on Fear of dogs?
– Does EFT work on Fear of horses?
– Does EFT work on Fear of water?
– Does EFT work on Fear of crowds?
– Does EFT work on Fear of elevators?
– Does EFT work on Fear of heights?
– Does EFT work on Fear of flying?
– Does EFT work on Fear of Public Speaking?
– Does EFT work on Stage freight?
– Does EFT work on Sports Performance?
– Does EFT work on Performance Anxiety for exams, presentations, singing, dancing, acting?
The answer to all these questions is…
Yes! There is a high likelihood that, properly applied, EFT will either improve or completely eliminate the problem.
That does NOT mean, however, that EFT has been perfected to the point where it can heal everything. On the contrary, we still have a lot learn about its uses…AND…sometimes the results will depend on your “EFT sophistication.”
It DOES mean that we have seen improvements in such a wide variety of ailments that it is no stretch to conclude that its uses are nearly universal….although not yet perfect across the board.
This One-Procedure-Fits-All feature of EFT brings quizzical looks to the faces of most newcomers because they have been conditioned to think that, for each ailment, there is a specific remedy. Thus we take Tylenol for a headache and Prozac for depression.
Soooo, newcomers become confused when they hear that the same EFT Basic Recipe that is used for back pain is also used for grief, fear of public speaking, anger, sport performance, quit smoking, and everything else. This notion doesn’t fit with their previous conditioning.
Nonetheless, that’s how it is.
One point of clarification: While the same mechanical Basic Recipe is used for all ailments, the APPROACHES to the various problems can differ widely. There is an “art of delivery” which is necessary for complicated cases and this involves finding core issues and aspects as well as appropriate reframing and other artistic uses of this flexible tool.
P.S. EFT is not meant as a substitute for other healing procedures (even though it often does the job by itself). Rather, you are encouraged to use EFT with the guidance of an experienced practitioner.
Why does the EFT Setup Language focus on the negative?
I’m used to affirmations being stated in the positive. Why does the EFT Setup language focus on the negative?
I know this is confusing. Affirmations, in the classical sense, are designed to take you in positive directions. Thus their wording is always of an uplifting, “go for it, you can do anything” nature.
EFT, on the other hand, is NOT designed to take you in positive directions. Instead, its purpose is to eliminate the negative and thus pave the way for the positive. That is a MUCH different goal.
One of the critical elements in EFT’s effectiveness is that one must “tune in” to the problem. Otherwise, the energy balancing effect of the tapping for that problem will be of little use. It would be of limited value, for example, to try to alleviate a war memory with EFT while the client focuses on Disneyland, grocery shopping, or the inner workings of a computer. The energy disruptions wouldn’t be there and so the problem could not be addressed.
The EFT Setup language necessarily focuses on what is wrong. This “Sets up” the problem like it was a bowling pin so that the EFT bowling ball (the rest of the process) can knock it over.
Interestingly, sometimes I have experienced good results by stating The Setup in the positive. The spider phobic may say something like, “Even though I love spiders…..” However, even though the language is positively stated, someone with a true spider phobia is likely to have self talk that focuses on those “nasty, crawly things.” In this case, the client is STILL focusing on the problem, despite their language to the contrary.